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CKEditor CDN

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To start using CKEditor 5 Builds on your website, add a single

Example : 



This is some sample content.

URL Structure

The URL structure for CKEditor 5 is as follows:


The following distributions (see CKEditor 5 Builds overview) are available:

  • classic - the Classic editor
  • inline - the Inline editor
  • balloon - the Balloon editor
  • balloon-block - the Balloon block editor
  • decoupled-document - the Document editor

When choosing a different build than the Classic editor, make sure in the example above to change not only the URL to a build but also the initialization code as each build comes with a different editor class (ClassicEditorInlineEditorBalloonEditor (used by Baloon editor and Balloon block editor), DecoupledEditor).

Link  : CKEditor CDN


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